Committed to health and sports.

Committed to health
and sports.

With years of experience in football and recognizing its benefits, our executives support amateur football and encourage the participation of our employees, healthcare personnel, pharmacy staff, and consumers in sports tournaments. We foster a passion for sports, promote harmony in the workplace and business environment. We promote a healthy lifestyle and values such as teamwork, discipline, and commitment through sports programs and activities.

With years of experience in football and recognizing its benefits, our executives support amateur football and encourage the participation of our employees, healthcare personnel, pharmacy staff, and consumers in sports tournaments. We foster a passion for sports, promote harmony in the workplace and business environment. We promote a healthy lifestyle and values such as teamwork, discipline, and commitment through sports programs and activities.

Sports health

Big Medical supports amateur football and promotes participation in sports tournaments for its workforce, healthcare professionals, pharmacy personnel, and consumers, recognizing the benefits to quality of life. This fosters a passion for sports and promotes harmony in the workplace and commercial environment. Programs and sporting activities are organized to promote a healthy lifestyle and values such as teamwork, discipline, and commitment.


The company sponsors sports teams, individual athletes, and sporting events, providing an opportunity for visibility and a platform to promote core values such as teamwork, effort, and determination.

Creation of sports programs

The company creates and finances sports programs in schools or local communities to encourage young people to participate in physical activities, promoting the importance of sports in health and well-being.


The company makes donations to local or international sports organizations that promote physical activity, health, and well-being within the community.

Promotion of inclusive sports

The company promotes inclusive sports and access to sports facilities for people with disabilities, diverse genders, and individuals with low incomes, demonstrating a commitment to equality and social inclusion.


The company encourages its employees to get involved in volunteer sports activities, such as coaches, referees, judges, or simply as helpers in sporting events.

Health Campaigns

Aware of the high cost and limited accessibility of dental services in our country, we conduct oral health campaigns with the aim of providing care to underserved individuals. Furthermore, we extend this initiative to all those who collaborate with us in delivering solutions to our consumers, as a way to promote social responsibility and improve the quality of life in the community. Therefore, we offer the following:

Education programs

We inform about the importance of good dental hygiene and the enemies of oral health. The company organizes workshops, talks, plays, and awareness campaigns aimed at the community, especially children and young people.

Product promotion

The company promotes socially-focused dental hygiene products, such as toothpaste and mouthwashes, which are donated to organizations working for dental health in underserved communities.

Prevention campaigns

The company organizes prevention campaigns in partnership with leading dental clinics in local communities, offering free or reduced-cost dental check-ups, cleanings, and cavity treatments, especially in economically disadvantaged areas.

Recycling campaigns

The company can promote environmental responsibility through recycling campaigns for toothbrushes and dental hygiene product packaging, while also raising awareness about the importance of dental hygiene.

Support to organizations

The company collaborates with non-governmental organizations and healthcare centers that provide free or low-cost dental care to people in vulnerable situations, providing financial resources, material donations, and volunteering support.

Medical Director: Dr. Jaime Mantilla

Strategic Life Plan for Harmony

In our company, we firmly believe in the importance of fostering a life of harmony that allows individuals to achieve peace, tranquility, joy, happiness, and success. For this reason, we have developed a methodology aimed at constructing a Strategic Life Plan, which we provide training on and promote among our staff, clients, and suppliers. This plan equips them with the necessary tools to achieve their personal and professional goals and lead a fulfilling and harmonious life. To do so, it involves the following steps:

Understand: What is your purpose in life?

It takes you on a path of understanding why you came to this life.

Imagine: What is your life vision?

Find who you want to become.

Imagine: What is your life vision?

You will see your strengths and how they make you unique, and how only you can use them to leave this world better than you found it.

Visualize: What are the ideals of your life?

Clearly define your goals for what you want to BE, DO, HAVE, and TRANSCEND.
We are committed to combating these ailments through research,
development, and strategic partnerships for the manufacturing of
highly effective and differentiated products.
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