"Join us and discover how together we can boost the growth of your

Our Services

Icono Bigmedical

Market Research

We conduct market research to determine the sales potential of new products, line extensions, launches of new companies, and national and international strategic alliances.
Icono Bigmedical

Business Plans

We analyze the market size for your product in Colombia and provide a report with an analysis of each competitor or substitute.

Icono Bigmedical

Trademark Advisory
and Registration

We have an expert team for trademark registration to protect your brands and commercial signs in Colombia.

Icono Bigmedical

Sanitary Registration Advisory and Process

Our expert team in Regulatory Affairs handles your sanitary registration process in Colombia

Icono Bigmedical

Product Distribution in Commercial, Institutional and Online Channels

We have a sales force to position your brand in the country’s main sales channels and ensure your sales budget in Colombia.
Icono Bigmedical

Medical Visits

We ensure that your company has the highest-prescribing potential physicians in its panel.

Icono Bigmedical

Pharmacy Visits

We classify pharmacies based on sales potential among more than 21,483 pharmacies in the country.

Icono Bigmedical


We implement your brand strategy at the point of sale and conduct incognito buyer audits of your brand and its competitors.

Understanding the Colombian Market

50 Million People Aprox.
«Its people.» Without thinking twice, that’s what most foreigners answer when asked what they like most about Colombia.”
COLOMBIA is the third largest market in Latin America; commercial market billed US$2.463 billion last year, growing 13,6% by 2022
COLOMBIA PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET By Market Type – YTD as of December 2022

Main Cities in Colombia

We have a sales force to position your brand in the country’s main sales channels and ensure your sales budget in Colombia.
Cundinamarca-Bogotá, has the largest market share with 37.1%.

Sales Channels

Independent pharmacies account for 46.10% of the sector’s sales and chain pharmacies for 41.87%.

24.000 ! Pharmacies

7.000 Make 90% of sales


TOP 3 Main Sellers and
Partnerships in Colombia

Coopidrogas accounts for 69.5% of
sales in independent pharmacies
and La Rebaja and Cruz Verde for
 65.5% of sales in chain pharmacies.

Ready to be our partner? Stay in Touch

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